
2011 Top Tablet PC Comparison iPad 2 Has Two Advantages

According to foreign media reports, the American IT magazine "PCWorld" Recently, the author of the upcoming listing of this year were four major Tablet PC conducted a comprehensive analysis, and pointed out that the price will be the availability of consumption of these products who favored the unknown factors.The following is a summary of the article:
2010 seems to be known as the Tablet PC of the year, but the reality is in 2010 should be called iPad of the year. During the year, iPad's global sales reached 15 million units, while the market really does not appear to pose a threat to the iPad similar products. However, with the other big computer makers have set foot in the tablet PC market in 2011 will truly become a Tablet PC of the year.
Earlier this month at the International Consumer Electronics Show ( CES ), and every major computer makers have announced or demonstrated its tablet PC products. Despite the size and volume of the operating system of points, but the Tablet PC will undoubtedly go on sale in the near future.
Tablet PC in these products, Motorola Xoom, RIM BlackBerry PlayBook and HP Tablet PC WebOS three most attractive consumer concerns, coupled with the upcoming Apple iPad 2, only this spring that four tablet is enough to trigger consumer again who's buying binge.

1. Motorola Xoom

2. Blackberry PlayBook 
RIM BlackBerry PlayBook 7-inch touch-screen design, while smaller, but the whole machine weighs less than 1 pound (about 454 g). PlayBook used is based on the QNX OS and development of new systems, and not the rumors of the BlackBerry OS operating system. Plate which has a 1GB RAM memory, equipped with high-definition dual cameras, with high-definition video camera function and a dual-core processor design. PlayBook also equally versatile, can play both Apple and Microsoft's proprietary audio format, content, and support for Adobe Flash and HTML5.

3. HP Tablet WebOS
Recent media disclosure of the product code after another Opal and Topaz are the two HP Tablet PC WebOS. Opal which is 7 inches, and Topaz was 9 inches. According to spy photos show that at least two tablet PCs will be equipped with a front camera and a mini USB jack.
WebOS is a very competitive mobile operating system, and by virtue of its excellent user interface design is likely to become the biggest challenger to Apple iOS. HP will be held February 9 press conference, when the company is likely to announce these two Tablet PC configuration details.

4. Apple iPad 2

Tablet PC compared to the above, iPad 2 has two distinct advantages: First, iPad iPad 2 great success to lay a good foundation. Apple products, has formed a unique culture, many large companies are using iPad iPad or at least to consider the introduction of its office areas. Second, the upgraded version of the existing iPad, so users can experience the iPad the first to use experience, then choose whether to buy iPad 2. And relatively fixed in accordance with Apple accessories each year to promote model projects, iPad 2 will be on sale this spring.
Since the iPad the market, market speculation on the relevant iPad 2 has never stopped. Based on user feedback and increasingly fierce Tablet PC features and functions to determine the dispute, iPad will be used before and after the two cameras may be equipped with dual-core processor, and RAM memory capacity and screen resolution will also be greatly enhanced.
The Tablet PC as soon as possible who want to conduct office business users, their current infrastructure and use of products with the cultural content will largely determine their Tablet PC operating system choice. For example, a BlackBerry Enterprise Server and BlackBerry smartphones as a designated office staff is very mobile phone companies may choose to BlackBerry PlayBook. The iPhone and iPad already familiar with the business users are more inclined to choose the operating system iOS iPad 2.
Tablet PCs prices of these products will also become consumers of the availability of the unknown factors. Once a price of a tablet PC products twice higher than other similar products, then the characteristics of their products, features, and compatibility with the existing structure itself do not seem very persuasive.


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